Thursday, August 28, 2008

And they're off....

My sweet prince and princess started school today. Kelsey started 3rd grade and JT is entering 1st. I am not too sure how excited they were though. Kelsey, who loves school didn't seem all that enthused this morning, although I think she was a bit nervous. They go to a small school with 2 classes per grade. She has been with pretty much the same kids since Kindergarten and this year, they mixed up the classes so she doesn't know all of the kids as well. JT was more excited than she was but I think being a big first grader is a big deal to him.

As for me, I was ready. The last 3 weeks have been tough. Ever since the solid 2 weeks of rain we had everyone has been off. They have been fighting, I have not gotten anything done, the rush of going back to school and getting ready plus the strain on the budget because they need new clothes, new shoes, etc. etc. really took a toll on me and frankly I need a breather and a schedule. Amen for the schedule!

Speaking of schedules, I was bound and determined that this year there would be NO YELLING in the morning - NONE. It would be operation Get Ready For School and it would go off smoothly, without a hitch. Well, that almost happened.

I spent last night making schedules and posted them outside their doors. That started the first complaints. Kelsey wanted one upstairs and down or to switch the order of the tasks so that she could brush her teeth before breakfast and not have to come back up stairs. JT couldn't do all of those "chores" and there was no playtime listed so we had a minor melt down at 7:00 am. I held firm, no yelling (well, just a slight raise in the voice). But we made it, out the door with time to spare and pretty smooth for the first day.

Here are some pics to enjoy...I have to go get ready to get the kiddos off the bus.


Oh - and tomorrow, I have some creative time built into the cleaning time, so I can't wait to start posting something fun!

Picture number 15 (I think), sun was in the eyes, bugs were flying, she was too close to him, etc.

And they're off.....

1 comment:

Sarah E. said...

Wow! Congrats Mom on the Operation Get Ready For School! I was too determined not to yell in the AM so hopefully we can cheer eachother on. I hope they had a great day! :) Love you!


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