Today seemed like it would be a slow day and I desperately wanted to get some housework done, a little scrapbooking...or at least prep for a crop on Friday night...and update the blog. Well, I managed to pick up the living room, no scrapbooking or prepping and well, it is 11:09 PM EST and I am updating now. Forgive any run on sentences or misspellings...I am tired.
I really wonder if children have radar and know when you are busy doing something. They can be sitting playing or watching tv all morning long and the minute I get up to do laundry, pick up, or use the bathroom for that matter, they need me - right then and right now. Needless to say, I was needed ALL DAY long today. I was frazzled and needed to go for a run and then have a drink (the stiff kind....). Well wouldn't you know, by the time DH came home, dinner was made and cleaned up from, it was dark - and I won't run in the dark because I am so afraid that I will be eaten by a bear...they are hungry ya know. I couldn't have that drink either because of the silly trail mix I
had to have last night. I follow Weight Watchers (27 lbs down and counting - toot my own horn here), so it is Tuesday and I only have 6 bonus points left for the week - the trail mix happened to be 11 1/2 points....but worth every stinking one! So in order to have a beer or one of my new yummy frozen concoctions I had to run to earn activity points. Well, that didn't happen, so I hopped on the computer instead, while the rest of the family watched a cartoon. Low and behold, not 5 minutes later, I hear shrieks from upstairs. JT was having a breakdown because only Mommy could brush his teeth, not Daddy, just, there goes my first 3 1/2 seconds of "me" time all day. I love to feel needed, really I do, but everyone needs a bit of time to themselves (at least I think this is true), and I don't take that time often (guilt, laziness - not too sure...) and now I think I dug myself a great big ol' hole.
On another note - Friday I am attempting to take some of that "me" time and scrap at the Scrapbookers' Crop Room. I can't wait - it has been sooo long since I actually went out to scrap. I am trying to prep my projects so I don't bring my whole room, have pics ready, and actually get something done, and not sit there for 6 hours staring at the wall (it has been known to happen). So this weekend I hope to post something creative.
In the meantime, here is a pic of the four of us (my step daughter stayed home to work) on vacation in Maine a few weeks ago and one of Bob (my DH) with the kids - I just love this pic, he is such a great Dad!

Ta! Ta! - I am going to bed, in search of 3 1/2 seconds of me time.....