This amazing young man walked into a house full of almost 40 people that he had never met in his life and fit right in like he was one of the gang. My daughter's Brownie Troop finished their Quest Badge by "adopting" a military family with a deployed parent. Her leader invited the young man and his mother to her home to meet the girls and some friends. The girls and their families embraced this "adoption" and showered him with gifts including movie passes, gift certificates to local restaurants and movie stores, a beautiful quilt, a stuffed lion appropriately named Hero, and many other fun items. The girls even drew a larger picture which was laminated and cut into puzzle pieces, which were put into envelopes to be sent over to Dad with a note each week.
Last night just happened to be this father's birthday so we had a birthday cake to celebrate and wouldn't you know...he called! Yep, it was some insane hour overseas, but he called and we all sang Happy that is some treat! I feel so proud to have taken part in this man's celebration and this little boy's life!
I had the pleasure of creating some cards for him to send to his Dad as our contribution to the pile of goodies. This is one of the ones that I made up. Unfortunately, I forgot to snap a pic of the other design before I packaged them all up! {All the deets are listed below my signature.}
On another note (but related because I got a chance to create) - I have finally finished the office/craft room and had the pleasure of spending the afternoon there on Friday! I think my mojo was lost under the mountains of crud and chaos that piled up when I was stuffed in the dining room corner. Now that I am painted, moved and organized, my mojo has reappeared and ready to take control. I am now free to create in a space dedicated to me and off limits to the kids...they have their own table now so there is no reason to be messing with mine. I can't wait to spend late nights creating...I have so many cards to make and so many pages to fill.
Have a great day!
Here are the deets on the card:
The ribbon is American Crafts...everything else is CTMH.
Stamps - Moments in Time (Jan '09 Stamp of the Month), Say it in Style
Paper - Dessert Sand, Vanilla Cream, Cranberry
Ink - Chocolate, Cranberry